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Introducing Wixárika (Huichol) Indian Art of Mexico

Handmade bead work and yarn paintings with bright colors and stunning detail. Sales enable artisans to continue to live in their native lands, sustaining cultural practices and identity.

Featured Oaxacan Wood Carving

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Featured Mata Ortiz Pottery

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Featured Wixárika (Huichol)

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Featured Gond Tribal Art of Central India

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Magaly Fuentes & Jose Calvo Magaly Fuentes and Jose Calvo: Premier Turtle Tortoises
Lucero Fuentes and Miguel Mendez Lucero Fuentes and Miguel Mendez: Premier Fine Ram Bighorn Sheep
Magaly Fuentes & Jose Calvo Magaly Fuentes and Jose Calvo: Multicolor Dog Alebrijes
Bertha Cruz Bertha Cruz: Raccoon Oaxacan Woodcarving
Eleazar Morales Eleazar Morales: Orange Gila Monster Skeleton Gila Monster
Eleazar Morales Eleazar Morales: Green Axolotl Half Skeleton Fantasy
Magaly Fuentes & Jose Calvo Magaly Fuentes & Jose Calvo: Very Fine Shark Fish
Manuel Cruz Manuel and Rubi Cruz: Museum Quality Single Piece Quetzalcoatl Feathered Serpent Fantasy
Manuel Cruz Manuel and Rubi Cruz: Museum Quality Single Piece Gorilla and Babies African Animals
Cut-out Jesus Lozano: Black “Santa Clara” Style of Carved Pottery Etched
Cut-out Jesus Lozano: Red “Santa Clara” Style of Carved Pottery Etched
Nicolas Ortiz Jr. Nicolas Ortiz Jr: Large Effigy with Fish Effigy
Guadalupe Melendez Guadalupe Melendez: Fine Etched Colorful Bird Plate and Stand Birds
Daniel Gallegos Daniel Gallegos: Small Irregular lip, Eagle Geometric
Mata Ortiz Pottery, Chihuahua Roberto Banuelos: Mid-sized Iguana Pot Iguana
Cut-out Jesus Lozano: “Santa Clara” style of Etched Pottery Etched
Salvador Baca & Virginia Lazoya Salvador Baca & Virginia Lazoya: Medium Showcase Etched Marbleized Clay Mata Ortiz Pottery
Gerardo Pedregon Ortiz Gerardo Pedregon Ortiz: Black on Red Medium Polychrome Mata Ortiz Pottery
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: Xolo Series – Regalo / Gift Alebrijes
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: Mi Nombre es Muerte – My Name is Death Mask Alebrijes
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: El Nahual de los Nopales / Nahual of the Prickly Pear Alebrijes
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: Cachetona – Chubby Face Mask Alebrijes
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: Yerbería (Herbal Shop) cartoneria
Cartoneria (Mexican Paper Mache) Isaias Alejandro Morales Delgado: Large Mamá Caramelo (Candy Mama) cartoneria
Jacobo and Maria Angeles Back in Stock! Jacobo and Maria Angeles Workshop: Voces de Copal – Book 2018 Books
Jacobo and Maria Angeles Jacobo and Maria Angeles Workshop: Museum Quality Hanging Bell Monkey #2 (Moño Campana #2)
Jacobo and Maria Angeles Jacobo and Maria Angeles Workshop: Catharsis
Tucson Lifestyle Feature Large Coyote Beaded Beaded
Wixárika (Huichol) Art Santos Bautista: Puma Skull Beaded Green Beaded
Gond Tribal Art Manoj Tekam: Elephant – In Stock Elephant
Manuel Cruz Manuel and Rubi Cruz: Museum Quality Single Piece Gorilla and Babies African Animals
Jacobo and Maria Angeles Santa Fe Show: Jacobo and Maria Angeles Workshop – Large Silver Leaf Horse Jacobo and Maria Angeles
Eleazar Morales Eleazar Morales: Coco Inspired Pepita Dragon
Bertha Cruz Bertha Cruz: Rare Bighorn Sheep Bighorn Sheep
Gerardo Pedregon Ortiz Gerardo Pedregon Ortiz: Black on Red Medium Polychrome Mata Ortiz Pottery
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